Pricing, Delivery, Return, and Refund Policy

When you use our Services, you will also be subject to the terms set out in this Pricing, Delivery, Return, and Refund Policy along with the Terms and Conditions, and the Privacy Policy.

Pricing and Availability

The prices mentioned for all the products listed on the Website and/or the Mobile App at the time of ordering will be the prices charged on the date of delivery. We may at our sole discretion also offer products at a reduced price for a limited period on the Services. All prices are inclusive of GST unless stated otherwise.

We list availability information for products sold by us on the Website and/or the Mobile App, including on each product information page. However, there may be circumstances where any of the products you order turns out unavailable. We will inform you by email or SMS at the time of processing your order if any products you order turn out to be unavailable.

Please note that dispatch estimates are just estimates, and actual time taken for delivery of the products may vary.

Delivery of the Product

Home Delivery:

Please note that for all home deliveries, PARK N SHOP will charge a delivery fee. This delivery fee will be added to the billed amount at the time of checkout, while placing the order online.

  • In case there is a delay in delivering the order to you – either due to PARK N SHOP’s own internal reasons or due to your unavailability – PARK N SHOP is not obligated to compensate you for the inconvenience. You are liable to pay the entire amount of the order before or at the time of delivery.
  • For Cash On Delivery, if you choose to pay by a credit/debit card at the time of delivery, PARK N SHOP will make its best efforts to receive the order amount through a card swipe machine. However, in the event the machine doesn’t work, you are required to make the payment by cash. You agree to not delay payment or seek further time to make the payment once the order is delivered.
  • PARK N SHOP reserves the sole right to compensate you for any inconvenience caused. A decision to compensate you for any inconvenience is at the sole discretion of PARK N SHOP and could happen only through digital payments. Any compensation paid by PARK N SHOP will be a separate transaction done through digital payment transfer. You cannot deduct any agreed compensation amount from the order amount.
  • You agree to pay the entire order amount (net of any returned items) in full at or before the time of delivery. Exceptions cannot be made in any circumstances.

Pick Up at Park N Shop Ready Pick-up Points:

You can collect your orders from Park n Shop Ready Pick-up Points as per your convenience. There are no additional charges for collecting the orders from Park n Shop Ready Pick-up Points.

Tentative Time for Delivery or Pick-up:

The typical time that is required to process an order is 24 hours from receiving the order online. Please note all items (including gifts) will be shipped with an invoice mentioning the price. There is no guaranteed dispatch time and any information about the dispatch time is an estimate only and should not be relied upon as such. Therefore, time is not the essence of the bi-partite contract between you and PARK N SHOP for purchase and sale of Product through the Services.

If you frequent Park n Shop Ready Pick-up Points, we encourage you to bring your own carry bags to collect their Products. PARK N SHOP shall charge a fee for a carry bag, if required by you. If you believe that the products you ordered are not in good condition, or if the packaging is tampered with or damaged, please refuse to take delivery of the package. In case you find an issue with the product after accepting delivery, you may return the said product to any of the Park n Shop Ready Pick-up Points and seek recourse as per the terms of refund policy.

PARK N SHOP will make its best efforts to service all orders accurately and on time. However, if in certain pressing situations (including force majeure), we are unable to fulfill an order we will not recompense you for the delay or the non-delivery of the orders.


The Product shall not be delivered to you unless you make the payment of the purchase of Product. In making available any of the payment methods on the Services, PARK N SHOP will not be responsible or assume any liability, whatsoever in respect of any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly because of:

  • Lack of authorization for any transaction/s, or
  • Exceeding the preset limit offered by participating banks, or
  • Any payment failure arising out of the transaction, or
  • Decline of transaction for any other reason/s

Refund and Return

Products purchased through our site can be returned for a refund at any Park n Shop Ready Pick-up Point within 7 days from the date of the invoice provided:

  • The product has not been used and has not been altered in any manner
  • The product is intact and in saleable condition, and
  • The product is accompanied by the original invoice of purchase.

The following types of products - once accepted by you cannot be returned and refunded:

  • Perishable food items such as butter, cheese, dahi, vegetables, fruits etc.
  • Seasonal and Festive items such as decoration lights, gift packs, etc.
  • Items purchased in bulk quantities
  • Personal utility items such as undergarments, handkerchiefs, socks, and cosmetics,
  • Fresh Non-food items such as flowers.